In a dramatic turn of events, residents of Ramtolem and Sainagar in Aldona have forcefully halted the construction of a Material Recovery Facility (MRF) shed, mandated by the Aldona Panchayat in compliance with High Court orders. The contentious shed, situated adjacent to a temple, has ignited strong opposition from the local community.
In a united front, villagers voiced their discontent, asserting their objection to the construction near the sacred temple grounds. The presence of police at the site indicates the gravity of the situation as authorities strive to maintain control over the agitated crowd.
Adding fuel to the fire, angry villagers expressed their frustration by burning an effigy of Panch member Abhidnya Satardekar from Ward No. 3. The act symbolized the community’s displeasure with Satardekar for allegedly neglecting to consult and gain the confidence of the villagers before proceeding with the controversial construction.
The standoff highlights the delicate balance between legal mandates and community sentiments, as Aldona grapples with the aftermath of these fervent protests. Stay tuned for updates on this unfolding situation.