The frequent breakdowns of elevators at GMC-an appeal for timely maintenance and monitoring

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  3. The frequent breakdowns of elevators at GMC-an appeal for timely maintenance and monitoring

In the corridors of the Government Medical College, which are always rush-fold, an intrusive impediment to the smooth functioning has been a cause for worry to the staff and patients alike: the frequent breakdowns of the elevators in the hospital. Not a mere inconvenience, these mechanical glitches pose substantial threats to critical services and emergency responsiveness.

It has been observed during the past few months that the elevators in GMC break down at a pretty fast pace. These breakdowns hamper the process of shifting patients, involving mainly critically ill patients who are supposed to be shifted from one floor to another as quickly as possible for prompt treatment. It is not the patients alone who suffer because of this but also the medical staff, visitors, and even the hospital equipment.

A closer look at the issue exposes a clear, sheer lack of proper maintenance and inspection of the elevator systems. Elevators are sophisticated machines that demand periodic servicing to make them operate with reliability. Maintenance for these machines includes routine checks, changing worn-out parts, and updating software, among other activities. However, the state of the elevators in the GMC suggests that these practices have been terribly ignored or poorly carried out.

A lack of a set, routine, and efficient maintenance program results in increased equipment downtime but does not stop right here; it escalates repair costs over time. Other than that, there are the possible threats to the users in terms of being stuck inside the elevator or getting injuries due to sudden malfunctioning.

These are infrastructural critical elements that need urgent and constant attention. The administration must rigidly adhere to implementing a regularly scheduled maintenance program. There should be a complementary effort to go with this, which is in the form of introducing some sort of monitoring system that gives an early warning of possible faults before they escalate to full breakdowns.

In such contexts, technology-based maintenance and monitoring solutions can turn out to be real saviors. For example, IoT devices can be fitted that send real-time data regarding the performance of elevators back to a central monitoring center. This kind of proactive surveillance ensures that deviation from the normal can be quickly attended to before it escalates into full-blown mechanical failure.

It would further emphasize the commitment of the institution toward the safety and comfort of all who use these facilities if an oversight team specifically appointed for elevator systems within the hospital were put in place. Such a body would be very important in ensuring full compliance with all relevant safety standards and regulations.

More specifically, frequent breakdowns of the elevators in GMC are not just some minor issue but rather a loud call to the administration regarding the urgency for timely maintenance and monitoring. It is our duty to act urgently regarding the elevator situation, given the duty of care of the hospital. Through dedicated efforts, we can support safety and efficiency in services at GMC and facilitate the provision of better health care to all concerned.

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