Protect eco-sensitive areas to prevent Wayanad-like disasters: Ferreira

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In view of the massive floods in Wayanad, Kerala that has claimed nearly 200 lives, Aldona MLA Adv Carlos Alvares Ferreira urged the government to protect eco-sensitive areas, especially in the hilly regions, to prevent such disasters.

Speaking on the calling attention motion in the assembly on Thursday, Ferreira said that permissions are being given to convert such sensitive lands.

“Our Goa is part of the Western Ghats, and various areas have different ecological sensitivity. We recall the 2009 flash floods in Canacona, and these things happen because of climate change and other factors. Our gram sabhas are opposing projects in the villages. Some people come to our state and are asking for plots atop the hills overlooking the sea and rivers, and in the forests. Advertisements are also issued making such pitches. These buyers seek permissions and we are allowing conversion of land,” he said.

Supporting the people Ecoxim, Pomburpa, Paliem and Ucassaim “who are fighting to protect their land”, the MLA sought to know from the government the steps being taken to protect these sensitive lands when conversion sanads are being issued.

“We have the Goa State Action Plan on Climate Change, and the total recorded forest cover mentioned in it is 2229 sq kM, and 1225 sq km recorded as forest area. They say we can’t increase the forest cover, but you need to maintain a balance. The incidents of forest fires are less when we do this. We need to protect our forest cover,” he said

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