AZOSSIM: The Aam Aadmi Party’s (AAP) persistent demand for a new Regional Plan 2035 (RP2035) and its strong opposition to the Deposit Refund Scheme (DRS) have found support at the grassroots level.
These issues took center stage at the Azossim Mandur Gramsabha on Sunday, where AAP Vice President, Professor Ramrao Wagh, submitted resolutions addressing these concerns. The Gramsabha unanimously passed the resolutions, echoing the growing dissatisfaction in the village over the government’s policies and its impact on local communities.
In the Gramsabha, villagers emphasised the urgent need for the state government to begin a transparent process to draft the new Regional Plan 2035 in consultation with general public and statutory bodies like Gramsabhas, VDC, BMC, VP. They further demanded freezing the outdated RP2021 and halting any development permits under it unless there is an urgent public need. The resolution aims to safeguard Goa’s natural environment and ensure sustainable development.
The second resolution opposed the Deposit Refund Scheme proposed by the BJP government. Villagers expressed concerns that the scheme, which mandates an additional refundable deposit on recyclable items, would lead to increased prices, favor monopolies, and dismantle the existing waste management mechanisms. Instead, the Gramsabha called for strengthening the current waste collection systems involving local communities, rather than centralizing the process.
Additionally, the Gramsabha highlighted the environmental damage caused to the Azossim spring and waterfall near St Mathew Church due to ongoing construction activities in the area. It called for immediate inspection of the site, testing of water samples, and legal action against illegal construction practices that are contaminating and drying up this vital natural resource.
Professor Ramrao Wagh stated, “The unanimous passing of these resolutions sends a clear message to the government to prioritise the needs of the people over political or corporate interests. The AAP leadership has been consistently raising these issues over the past month, urging the government to adopt citizen-friendly policies. With the passing of these resolutions, it is evident that AAP’s concerns are finding widespread support across Goa’s villages”.