Abki baar, Parivaar Kabaar. Parivar cannot be created through social media handles. One needs to spread love & affection and not hatred to build & develop relations. After Modi ki Guarantee , now Modi ka Parivaar falls flat, charged Congress Media Cell Chairman Amarnath Panjikar.
Reacting to the appeal made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to his followers to remove “Modi ka Parivaar” from their Social Media handles, Amarnath Panjikar said that “cosmetic makeup does not last long”.
He is fully aware that he will not be able to give justice to all the Citizens of the Country whom he once called as “Parivaar”. Anticipating his incapability to perform in current political situation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has now appealed to get away with “Modi ka Parivaar”. This also exposes “Use and Throw” policy of BJP, stated Amarnath Panjikar.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be remembered as ” Fake Man of India”. From the day he took charge as Prime Minister of India, he has displayed falsehood and fakery, said Amarnath Panjikar.
All solgans and taglines launched by Narendra Modi have vanished. He has turned out to be an opportunist who has mastered the art of playing with peoples emotions, said Amarnath Panjikar.
It is now a matter of time that PM Narendra Modi and BJP get totally exposed. People have already realised that BJP is good for nothing, said Amarnath Panjikar.