The Co-operative Week is celebrated every year from November 14, to 20 with an objective of highlighting the achievements of the Co-operative Sector in various sectoral areas and chalking out future strategies of growth based on dynamics of Cooperative development in each sector. The 69th All India Co-operative Week will be organized by the Department of Co-operation along with the Goa State Cooperative Union, Panaji.

Based on the nomenclature for the day set by National Co-operative Institute of India a weeklong programme is being organised.
This year the main theme is “India@75:Growth of Cooperative and Future Ahead”. The details of the day today programme along with the nomenclature for the day are as follows: On November 14, 2022, the inaugural function will be held at Ganeshotsav Mandal Hall, Shiroda Bazar, Shiroda from 10.30 am onwards. Theme for the Day is “Ease of doing business for Cooperatives, GEM and Export Promotion”.
On November 15, 2022, a function will be held on the premises of Bardez Bazar Consumers Coop Society Ltd., Mapusa-Goa from 04.00 pm onwards. The theme will be “Cooperative Marketing, Consumers processing and value addition”.
On November 16, 2022,a function will be held at the Hall of Kurdi V.K.S.S. Society, from 10.30 am onwards. The theme will be “Mainstreaming Cooperative Education, Professional Management and Re-orienting Training ”.
On November 17, 2022, a function will be held at Ravindra Bhavan, Vasco-Da-Gama from 04.00 pm onwards. The theme of the day is “Role of Cooperatives in fostering innovation, Promoting Start ups and Technology Up gradation”.
On November 18, 2022, a function will be held at Village Panchayat Hall, Gaon Dongrim, Canacona. The theme will be “Entrepreneurship, Development and strengthening Public-Private Cooperative Partnership”.
On November 19, 2022, a function will be held at Lotus Hall, Marcel Khandola. The theme will be “Cooperatives for youth, women, weaker sections and health”.
And on November 20, 2022, function will be held at the Goa State Cooperative Bank Ltd. 6TH floor Sahakar Sankul Patto, Panaji. The theme of the day is “Financial incluson, Digitalisation of PACS and Strengthening Cooperative Database”.
Shri Vithal Vernekar, Sr. Co-operator Export and Import Consultant will be present on the occasion as Keynote Speaker.