We see the Karnataka election results as a victory for democracy, and a strong statement from the people that communal and divisive politics have no place anywhere in a secular democratic country like India.
It is heartening to see that despite the high decibel, high profile campaigning, people of Karnataka, across all demography, chose to make real issues that affect them their priority, dismissing the politics of disharmony and discord, to support the politics of fellowship and cooperation between all sections of the society.
Despite the high spirited and vigorous campaigning by the Chief Minister of Goa and his party leaders, the people of Karnataka were not deterred from their resolve to reject the politics of alienation and conflict. The lesson we in Goa must learn is that the politics of divisiveness and communal isolation will never find the support of the people anywhere, and issues that matter to them should be the crux of our politics. Our belief is that politics must offer solutions and not create problems.
As a regionalistic party, we demand that both the parties––the Congress and the BJP––now focus wholeheartedly and sharply on the most critical issue that the people of Goa is facing today: that of mother Mhadei. We ask the Goa government to pull out all the stops to fight for our river of life, which was gifted to Karnataka though deception and deceit. We will stand by the government in all their sincere and constructive attempt to regain Mhadei for Goa.
We also demand of the Goa Congress that they impress upon their counterparts in Karnataka to immediately take cognisance of the sentiments of the people of Goa, respect their emotions, and reverse the damage already done, and take steps to restore Mhadei to Goa. The onus is now on the Goa Congress leadership to make immediate progress in this regard and win back Mhadei.
We will be closely watching, on behalf of Goemkars, further developments, and the steps taken by both the parties. We will constantly remind them that their primary duty, loyalty and allegiance must rest with Goa, and not to any other state.
Both Congress and BJP must put Goa first.
Office of President
Goa Forward Party