PANAJI: Gomantak Bhandari Samaj president Ashok Naik on Tuesday said that he file criminal complaints on former president Anil Hoble of financial fraud during his term as president from 2012 to 2018.
Speaking to reporters, Naik produced all the legal certificates of the election held in November 2018 in which Anil Hoble was defeated.
Vice president Devanand Naik explained his initiative for purchasing the land for Samaj under former president late Madhukar Naik in 2010. He also mentioned the help and contribution of former Minister Dayanand Mandrekar in all legal matters pertaining to Samaj property. He pointed out all the illegalities during construction of Pragati Sankul when Hoble was the president.
Joint treasurer Sunil Naik explained how elections were manipulated by Hoble to become the president and also how Hoble tried to manipulate 2018 elections but was defeated. Treasurer Zogusso Naik and executive member Mangaldas Naik were also present.
When contacted, Anil Hoble challenged Ashok Naik to file criminal complaint against him. “I have challenged Naik’s election and the matter is now subjudice. If Naik is the president for last two years then why he is not filing criminal complaint? Hoble asked and added that he will refute all the charges within next two days.