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The Goa Investment Promotion and Facilitation Board (Goa-IPB), Government of Goa is the State Nodal Agency and has been mandated to implement reforms identified under Business Reforms Action Plan (BRAP) in the State. To enhance the business ecosystem in the Country and in respective States/UT’s, Department for Promotion of Industry, and Internal Trade (DPIIT) has issued specific directions in the implementation cycle of Ease of Doing Business 2024. Considering the above, Government of Goa has made the following changes in the G2B services ecosystem:

  1. Enabling PAN Number as Unique Business Identifier: To bring about the transparency, ease of access, user-friendliness, interoperability, and accountability in Government to Business (G2B) service delivery framework, the Government has made it mandatory that PAN shall serve as the unique business identifier towards establishment of linkage/ integration with Central/State/UT Governments. The following may be noted:

a. Business entities across the State that shall register on the Goa-Online Portal, shall be mandatorily required to enter PAN, which shall be used for any data interchange or identification purposes between Goa-Online and other Government agencies.

b. The existing IT systems of State departments shall capture PAN for each entity profile to carry out all Business approval related transactions.

c. The G2B services (Clearances, Approvals, Renewals, NoCs etc) offered through Goa-Online by the departments shall capture PAN for existing and new users. The Clearances / Approval / NoC will be issued on the name given on the PAN number. Updating the name of the entity must be done on PAN Card, which will be updated to Goa-online portal upon validation.

  1. Know Your Approvals: For new businesses seeking to start their operations in Goa, the online wizard or Know Your Approvals was launched in the Goa Single Window System. The wizard includes an exhaustive list of Pre-establishment and pre-operation clearances/licenses and post operation compliances required to start and run a commercial activity in the State of Goa.
  2. The Know Your Approval (KYA) module on the State Single Window System (Goa-online) must be integrated with the KYA module of National Single Window System. The information displayed shall include all State Clearances / Approvals/ NoCs for establishing (pre-establishment) and starting operations (pre operations) based on inputs such as type of industry, number of employees, risk category (classification of industry basis various parameters at State/ UT level such as provisions under pollution, labour amongst others.), size of firm, business location, Foreign/ Domestic investor etc.

Further, to provide the latest and most accurate information to all the users, all state departments shall notify Goa-IPB about the addition and/or elimination of any pre-establishment, pre-operation, and post-operation licenses/clearances so that Goa-IPB may keep the wizard up to date. In case of changes, the wizard will be updated accordingly within a period of 30 days from the receipt of such notice by Goa IPB.

  1. Compliance Dashboard: This dashboard aims to provide insights on upcoming / pending compliance activities like renewals or return filings, there by acting as an active reminder system. This aids businesses to prioritize their actions thereby avoiding non-compliance. The compliance dashboard must be developed at State level, Department level and business/entity level by the respective IT vendors of the departments. The system so developed shall send notifications atleast 30days prior to the due date for all clearances, approvals, renewals and NoCs. The system should send automated reminders, setting up a tracking mechanism for all due dates and facilitate auto generated, pre-scheduled notifications.

Each of the service / department / businesses will be given ratings/graded online based on their attainment of compliances through the matrix illustrated below:

For compliance score of 95% to 100% (Rating/Grade A+), For compliance score of 90% to 94% (Rating/Grade A), For compliance score of 85% to 89% (Rating/Grade A-), For compliance score of 80% to 84% (Rating/Grade B+), For compliance score of 75% to 79% (Rating/Grade B), For compliance score of 70% to 74%, (Rating/Grade B-) and For compliance score of Less than 70% ((Rating/Grade C).

  1. Online Dashboard in Single Window System: The aim of developing online dashboards is to bring transparency in the information dissemination and to help applicants to know the minimum time by which their application will be approved by the departments. The online dashboard shall depict the following:

a. Number of applications submitted and approved.

b. Average time taken by the department to give approval.

c. Average fee taken by the department.

d. Complete list of associated fees corresponding to a particular service.

The online dashboard must be updated on real-time basis, with the last updated date and time shown on the online dashboard. The dashboard such developed shall have drill downs from State to District, Taluka, Industrial Estate, Name of Entity etc.

  1. Sectoral Information Dissemination: Government of Goa has identified its priority sectors for the industrial development in the State. The priority sectors are given below: In Manufacturing sectors- Medical Devices, Drugs and pharmaceuticals, Electronic / technology products, Marine & Fisheries, Agro & Food Processing, Logistics & Warehousing and Auto components. For Service Sectors, IT & ITES, Retail & E-commerce, Tourism & Hospitality and Fin Tech.

The consolidated list of approvals (Central/State specific) for setting up a new business, must be prepared by the respective departments spearheading the above sectors and must be deployed in the Goa-online and Goa-IPB portal. In the Goa-online portal, the KYA system must be updated with the approvals required with regards to the sectors given above.

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