Those seven very musically talented students of Goa’s College of Architecture have made us all proud by winning the first prize at the contest organised in Bangalore by the National Association of Students of Architecture.
This budding and unstoppable team comprised of Vera de Noronha, Mariah Gonsalves and Ansh Volvoikar (all vocals) with Tenecia Afonso (Keyboard), Erwin de Souza(base), Joshua Mascarenhas (Drums) and our very own Ribandar’s Shawn D’Sousa (Electric guitar).
We need to applaud these dedicated students for participating and outstanding in extracurricular activities.
Winning or losing contests should never be a matter of concern. It is the spirit of sportsmanship and the drive that this well animated group of seven put their performance to be adjudged the very best.

These young architects in the making have gloriously returned to Goa with the ‘Battle of Bands’ Trophy.
May every student participating in such challenging contests be humbly inspired and guided by those words of the great Musician Zakir Hussain “Every time you step out on to the stage, you learn something which helps you grow and be a better communicator. It’s not like you’re the master. You’re always a student”.
By Aires Rodrigues