RCPNG Inter School Ghumat Aarti Competition

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RCPNG Inter School Ghumat Aarti Competition in association with Our interact school Gaunem supported by Shree Mahalaxmi Saunsthan, Bandora..

Function started at 9.07am followed by Swagatgeet, speech by Hon. Power Minister Sudin Bhai, Saunsthan President Harshad Baab, our Dynamic President Manish Baab, School Headmistress Anagha Madam and other Dignitaries..
Total 13 schools participated, the competition came to end at 2.00pm. First prize winner Swastik High-school Priol.

First of all I would like to thank Shree Mahalaxmi Devi for giving us this Courage and spirit to arrange this Glorified Competition. Her Blessings had turned this event into Grand Success.
Also would like to thank Saunsthan President Harshad Bhai for his endless support from stage, lights, sound, breakfast to lunch.

Our Interact School has done a commendable job ” Hat’s off ” I am speechless, Thanks to all.

Thanks to Our President for supporting me for this competition, Thanks to Ann Padmaja for arranging Judges and Thanks to all my RCPNG family for making this Competition a Great Success..

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